How to claim your loyalty voucher
- Submit a review on Amazon
Share your thoughts with other customers by submitting a Basic Treasure product review - text review or simple star rating - Simply register your review
Send us a screenshot/image of your submitted review at - Receive your personal loyalty voucher
Upon submitting your review, we will forward you a personal loyalty voucher
Find out more on how to submit a product review - how to redeem your voucher and terms and conditions
Amazon Loyalty Voucher - Terms and Conditions
A Basic Treasure loyalty voucher holds an off discount, which can be activated next time you purchase a Basic Treasure item from Amazon.
Loyalty vouchers typically have an expiry period of 3 months from the date of receiving (the day you submit the form).
Each loyalty voucher may only be used at for the purchase of Basic Treasure qualifying items.
Loyalty vouchers have no cash redemption value and are not transferable or assignable.
Loyalty vouchers must not be used in conjunction with any other promotional discounts.
Each loyalty voucher collected can only be used once. You may be able to collect loyalty vouchers more than once, however, you may not collect and use a voucher more than one time and may not use more than one of the same vouchers in a single order.
If you return any Basic Treasure qualifying item(s) purchased with our loyalty voucher, the voucher discount or value will be subtracted from the refund you receive.
Offers are valid in each case while stocks last.
Amazon reserves the right to modify or cancel any voucher at any time – also a Basic Treasure loyalty voucher.
Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the loyalty voucher or these terms and conditions that cannot be resolved through negotiations between the parties, must be settled according to Danish law and with venue in Denmark.
How to submit a product review – Amazon
- Go to the product detail page for the item. You can also go to “Your Orders”
- Click Write a customer review in the Customer Reviews section.
- Select a Star Rating.
- A green check mark shows for successfully submitted ratings.
- (Optional) Add text, photos, or videos and click Submit. If you add photos or video,
- please only share the product – no people, no packaging, no voucher.
How to redeem a Basic Treasure Amazon loyalty voucher?
Go to ‘Amazon Vouchers’ under Gift Cards and Vouchers section on Amazon Pay. Enter the voucher code given on the voucher and click on the ‘Add to your Vouchers’ button (13-digit alphanumeric code).
Note: A Basic Treasure loyalty voucher code is 13 characters long (excluding hyphens) and contains both letters and numbers.